Dentistry Essentials 101: Toothbrush Care

  How well do you care for your toothbrush? The answer should be significantly. If you are not spending adequate time to ensure your toothbrush remains safe and free of contamination, you're also running the risk of minimizing its benefits to your oral health care. Always make sure to care for your toothbrush, so it can keep your mouth clean... read more »

Oral Health Advantages: Dental Bridge Prosthetics

  Enhancing your smile includes protecting it. If you have any missing teeth for any reason, it is important to make sure you take the necessary time to visit your dentist for a replacement. If a missing tooth is left untreated, the gap can destabilize your gums and weaken your jaw bone. This can cause other nearby teeth to move... read more »

Simplify Your Health: Floss!

With everything to do during the holiday season, it’s easy to forget a little thing like flossing. Let’s review some flossing techniques to make sure your teeth stay healthy and clean for this holiday season! Start with an 18” piece of single-filament floss. Wind it around your index fingers until you have a manageable section. Use a gentle rocking motion... read more »

Gum Disease: Are You at an Increased Risk?

A common, but severe oral health condition that often arises in men and women alike is known as gum disease. Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is an oral health condition that arises due to infections within your gum tissue. If gum disease is present, tooth slippage and eventual tooth loss can occur. Risk factors for gum disease include... read more »

Fact Finder: Tips to Improve Your Smile

Keeping your mouth clean should be at the forefront of all oral health care issues. If your mouth remains unclean and filled with harmful acids and bacteria, your teeth and gums will suffer. Furthermore, issues can arise that affect other areas of your body as well. If you wish to keep your mouth clean, obviously the most important thing should... read more »